Agility Training
What is it?
People with agility impaired Parkinson’s disease (PD) see poor balance as the main motor symptom. Falls can be a major issue and often mean there is an underlying postural instability. This may be seen with or without freezing and difficulty doing more than one task at the same time (dual tasking).
If you are agility impaired, your Exercise Physiologist will focus on balance retraining to reduce falls risk, weight shifting and the timing of your movement. It is important to also focus on changing movement direction, multi-directional stepping, turning and cognitive training. Functional strength training plays a role in maintaining independence and improvement of Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s). Working on agility-based exercises has been shown to improve gait speed and timed up and go with people who have PD.
It is likely that both bradykinesia and tremor dominant pathways will progress into agility impaired as the condition progresses, thus more present in the later stages of PD (stage 3-5).

Tel. (02) 4259 0384 126 Church St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500
14 Churchill Ave, Warrawong, Entry Via Mowbray Lane

Post Created By Brooke - Accredited Exercise Physiologist.
Prescribe Exercise are your local exercise physiology specialists. We provide exercise rehabilitation to assist manage and prevent injury and chronic disease in the Wollongong and Illawarra area. Our programs will assist to achieve personal excellence, we do this by taking the time to educate and empower you with the highest quality care and exercise best practice available. We genuinely care for our clients and want to make a difference in your life, we will help you to get better and stay better so that you can regain control of your health once again.
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